The next leg took us to Denver, where a ball game awaited us.
The weather was propitious, and as it happened, the home team lost fairly ignominiously. The east coast fans appeared to outnumber locals, at least if the noise meter was any indication. The locals halfheartedly attempted to insert "Rockies" into the bellowed "Let's go Mets!", but couldn't quite submerge New York fans' fervor.
After the game we took in what was clearly a bastion of hipster culture at a Ramen joint, creative clothes, emo, gothic beards, chic shoes. The effect was if anything enhanced by the fact that there was a pot shop next door with steady traffic at afternoon commute time on a weekday. (But hey, afternoon commute time... what was I thinking?)
We were ready next day to get out of the line of fire of Lime scooters and head down 25 to our next lodging in Santa Fe. Wonderfully decorative clouds with sun, some with distant rain, persisted everywhere we went.
And the vastness! The sense of expanse equalled anything we had seen in Utah or Wyoming.
And that was true of the varied rest stops we used, including the view from the picnic pavilion in one which was part of the Santa Fe trail.
And then into Santa Fe, a little too late to see much of the gallery scene, but plenty of time to walk around the plaza. And see one notable Dia De Los Muertos shop display.
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